School Information - COVID-19

July 12th, 2023 8:00AM

Please reference the document below for information about Prairie Farm School District's COVID mitigation strategies.
Safe Return to In-Person Instruction and Continuity of Services Plan

January 6th, 2023 8:00AM

Please reference the document below for information about Prairie Farm School District's COVID mitigation strategies.
Safe Return to In-Person Instruction and Continuity of Services Plan

July 6th, 2022 10:00AM

Please reference the document below for information about Prairie Farm School District's COVID mitigation strategies.
Safe Return to In-Person Instruction and Continuity of Services Plan

January 4th, 2022 8:00AM

Please reference the document below for information about Prairie Farm School District's COVID mitigation strategies.
Safe Return to In-Person Instruction and Continuity of Services Plan

November 17th, 2021 10:30AM

On Monday, November 15, 2021 the Prairie Farm School Board approved an updated plan for 2021-2022 school year in regard to COVID practices.
The updated document is linked below. 
Prairie Farm Plan for Fall 2021

December 10th, 2020 6:30AM

The CDC and Wisconsin Department of Public Health have shared new recommendations outlining the length of quarantine for people who are in close contact with a positive COVID-19 case. The flow chart linked below outlines the new guidelines. 

The two boxes at the right of the flow chart show the modifications made for close contacts both in the home and with individuals outside of the home.

When the school is informed of close contacts outside the school building families will be provided with a form letter which will include the length of quarantine and return date back to school. 

Thanks for your continued support and cooperation.

Updated COVID-19 Symptom Flow Chart for Decision Making (Updated 12/7/2020)

December 3rd, 2020 11:00AM

Thank you for your patience as we continue to navigate these uncertain times. In order to maintain clear communication for our families and community members we are including our most current information for your reference. 

Recent District Updates

Current COVID-19 Symptom Flow Chart for Decision Making (Updated 10/19/20)

Modified Schedule Informational Letter for Families (In effect 11/30/20)

Concert Information

We are happy to be able to continue with our tradition of holding our holiday concerts at all levels. However, there will be some adjustments to meet COVID-19 recommendations. Please reference the letters below for more information.

Elementary Holiday Concert Informational Letter

Middle/High School Holiday Concert Informational Letter

November 6th, 2020 10:00AM

Please reference the letter below for information about the transition to Distance Learning for middle and high school students which will start Monday, November 9th and extend through Fall Break. MS/HS students will tentatively return for in person learning on Monday, November 30th.
Letter to Middle and High School Families
Elementary students will continue with in person learning at this time.

November 2nd, 2020 8:00AM

Updated COVID-19 Symptom Flow Chart

COVID-19 Symptom Flow Chart

September 23rd, 2020 1:00PM

Update for Prairie Farm Students and Families

Thanks students, staff and community members for doing such a great job with wearing masks while on school property. The Governor’s new order extended the state-wide mask mandate through November 21st. The Prairie Farm School District will continue to follow the Governor’s mask mandate.

Masks will continue to be required any time students, staff or community members enter the school building or outside on district property when not able to maintain social distancing of 6 ft or more. 

Thank you for your continued cooperation!

September 16th, 2020 7:00PM

For fall athletic activities each participant will be allowed to have a limited number of tickets for family members. No other spectators will be allowed as these will be closed events. Only those with a ticket will be allowed to enter the game. For indoor events, masks will be required. There will not be any concessions served at this time.

The posters linked below outline expectations for those who are allowed to attend fall athletic events.

Spectator Expectations for Volleyball

Spectator Expectations for Football

The district will be streaming our home fall sporting events through our District You Tube channel. Please join us virtually to cheer on our #PrairieFarmPanthers.

The District You Tube Channel can be found at the following link:

August 17th, 2020 11:00AM

6th and 9th Grade Virtual Orientation 2020-2021

Welcome to our virtual orientation for 6th and 9th grade students. We hope you find this information helpful and informative.

All of the student resources were created for students by students. The members of the Leadership Council are excited to share what they have learned throughout their middle school and high school experience to help the incoming 6th and 9th grade students.

6th Grade Resources

Middle School Clubs, Sports and Activities

Middle School Life Hacks

Technology Hints and Tips

Technology Handbook Highlights

6th Grade Orientation Packet

9th Grade Resources

High School Clubs, Sports and Activities

High School Life Hacks

Technology Hints and Tips

Technology Handbook Highlights

Scheduling for High School

9th Grade Orientation Packet

The parent resources were compiled by staff members with input from families who participated in previous orientations to address what may be most helpful in supporting your student through their first year of middle school or high school.

6th Grade Parent Resources

Life Hacks for Middle School and High School Parents

Technology Hints and Tips

Technology Handbook Highlights

Office Information

Orientation Packet for 6th Grade Parents

9th Grade Parent Resources

Life Hacks for Middle School and High School Parents

Technology Hints and Tips

Technology Handbook Highlights

Scheduling for High School

Office Information

Orientation Packet for 9th Grade Parents

If you have questions about any of the presentations or something that may not have been explained in the orientation materials do not hesitate to ask. We have created a form for you to use to submit questions you may have. We will use the email in your submission to respond to your questions.

2020-2021 Orientation Questions and Feedback Form

Thank you for taking the time to participate in our virtual orientation. We are excited for a fantastic school year!

August 12th, 2020 8:00AM
Students and families who are not comfortable with the safety accommodations outlined in our district re-opening plan have the option of enrolling in our virtual program. If your family is interested in enrolling your student(s) in Prairie Farm’s full time virtual program this fall please call Mr. Fossum at the school so that students can get enrolled and be ready to start when the school year starts. Feel free to call or e-mail Mr. Fossum at 715-455-1861 ext. 258 or [email protected].

August 7th, 2020 2:30PM

Prairie Farm Reopening Plan for Fall 2020

The Prairie Farm School Board has approved the plan for re-opening for Fall 2020. The document is linked below. Families will also receive a copy of the plan in the mail along with information for open house and welcome back letters for the 2020-2021 school year.

Prairie Farm School District Plan for Re-Opening
Prairie Farm School District COVID-19 Symptom Flow Chart
Resources from the reopening plan

July 9th, 2020 6:30 PM

Prom 2020 Cancelled

The Prairie Farm School Board met to discuss the possibility of hosting a prom and after much deliberation it was decided that prom would be cancelled for the 2019-2020 school year.

Plans for Start of 2020-2021 School Year

Please reference the letter linked below for basic information in reference to starting school in the fall. As more information is made available we will continue to share it with staff, families and the community.
Prairie Farm Plan for Re-Opening in Fall 2020

June 26th, 2020 8:00 AM

District Meal Program

The district meal program will be wrapping up at the end of June. The last day of delivery will be Monday, June 29th and that will contain meals for the 29th and 30th. Thank you to all of the families who participated in the program and to the staff for making it possible.

Memories of Spring 2020

Please enjoy the various videos from our Spring 2020 student celebrations. As always we are very proud of all of our #PrairieFarmPanthers.

Valedictorian/Salutatorian Announcement - 

Senior Scholarship and Awards Presentation -

K-2 Elementary Awards Program -

3-5 Elementary Awards Program -

Plans for Re-opening July 1st

The Prairie Farm School District continues to be committed to operating with our community’s health and wellness as a top priority. We will be implementing practices that promote social distancing, material and equipment sanitation and limitations on group gatherings. The document below includes information about district building and grounds use after July 1, 2020.

Prairie Farm School District - Plan for Re-Opening after July 1, 2020

May 23rd, 2020 8:00 AM

Prairie Farm School District Important Dates for Spring 2020
The District has created a resource which includes important dates as we wrap up the 2019-2020 school year. We will continue to update this document as needed. Please contact the office if you have questions about any of this information.

Important Dates for Spring 2020

Fall Activities/Athletic Eligibility
The District sent a letter to the families of High School students to inform them of requirements related to academic eligibility for Fall 2020 activity and athletic participation.  Please reference the letter below for more specific information on that topic.

WIAA Eligibility Letter to Families of High School students

Leadership Council Applications
If students are interested in being a member of Leadership Council for the 2020-2021 school year they should complete the application linked below. All students received the application link in their school email as well. If there are questions about the application process please contact Mrs. Fossum or Mrs. Olson at the school.

2020-2021 Leadership Council Application

District Meal Program
The District meal delivery program will continue to run through June 30th. The meals will be delivered to homes 5 days a week through June 5th. Starting June 8th - June 30th deliveries will take place on Mondays, Wednesdays and Thursdays. Each child will still be provided with 5 breakfasts and lunches per week.

May 7th, 2020 4:00 PM

Updated MS/HS Grading Practices for Spring Semester 2020
Please reference the letter linked below to learn more about the grading practices that will be implemented for middle and high school students for the Spring Semester of 2020.
Middle School/High School Spring Semester 2020 Grading Letter

Senior Information
The following letter was sent to the members of the Class of 2020 and their families. This letter outlines current plans for graduation, scholarship night, class trip, class banquet, etc. We will continue to provide more updates as information becomes available.
Senior Information Letter
Summer Ball Update
As of right now both the baseball and softball leagues are still planning on having a ball season. As soon as we find out when we can safely begin the season, we will meet with coaches and they will be in touch with their teams. If you have signed up for Summer Ball and would like your child to not participate in this year's season, please contact Micki Bowers. If you have any questions please feel free to contact Micki at 715-949-8036 or [email protected]. We still have quite a few boxes of candy bars to sell, if you would like to try to sell more it would be greatly appreciated. 

Officials Needed
We are looking for plate and base Softball/Baseball officials for the 2020 ball season. If you are interested or have questions please contact Micki Bowers at 715-949-8036 or [email protected].

April 7th, 2020 6:30 PM

Meal Delivery Program
A reminder to families participating in the meal delivery program: the food delivery will be suspended from Friday, April 10th to Tuesday, April 14th to account for the district’s spring break. Meal delivery will resume Wednesday, April 15th. 

Prom 2020
At this time, due to the school closure and requirement to limit large gatherings, the Prairie Farm School District will be postponing the Class of 2021 Junior Prom.

FFA Banquet
The annual Prairie Farm FFA Awards Banquet will be postponed until August of this year. The FFA will then host a Potluck Kickoff Meeting and Awards Program. The exact date will be sent out to families over the summer. All FFA members still need to complete their awards applications that are available in the FFA Google Classroom, if they have not done so already. If you have any questions, please contact Mrs. Wolfgram or Mrs.Olson. 

March 26th, 2020 1:30 PM

District Playground Equipment Closed
Under the direction of the Barron County Public Health Department, the Prairie Farm School District Playground equipment is closed until further notice due to possible COVID-19 spread.

Thank you for your patience and understanding.
Instructional Plan for Students PreK-12 starting Monday, March 30th
Please reference the letters linked below to learn more about the District plan for moving forward with student learning starting Monday, March 30th. If you have any questions regarding the plan, please contact the Elementary or Middle/High School Office.

Elementary School Parent Letter - 3/26/20

Middle School/High School Parent Letter - 3/26/20

March 17th, 2020 2:30 PM

The Prairie Farm School District values our student’s education and safety above all else. The information included in the document below outlines the plan for providing learning opportunities to our students during the state mandated school closure.

Letter to Parents and Students about Learning Opportunities during COVID-19 School Closure

Telephone Extension and E-Mail Address Directory for Office Hour Contacts

March 17th, 2020 8:30 AM

Updated Information for the Public

The Public Health Department recommends for people with questions regarding COVID-19 to call 211 for the most up to date information and resources. 

Fitness Center Closure
In light of the mandated school closure the Prairie Farm Fitness Center will be closed starting Wednesday, March 18th at 5:00pm. At this time the Fitness Center will be reopened Monday, April 6th; however, this situation is constantly evolving and the closure may need to be extended based on guidance from the Department of Public Health.

Food Service Availability during the closure
With the upcoming school closure the state is encouraging schools to provide meals for our students. Our district will be providing both breakfast and lunch each day for families who would like to receive this service. The meals are free for anyone in the household who is 18 years of age or younger. The meals will be delivered to your doorstep at about 10 a.m. each day starting on Monday March 23rd. Each package will include the lunch for that day and a breakfast for the next morning. The meals will need to be kept cold so please look for them and maybe place a cooler outside for the staff to place the meals in. 

If you're interested in this program, please contact one of the school offices (715-455-1861) no later than 3:30 p.m. on Wednesday of this week and be ready to give the following information.

1. How many meals are you requesting (for people 18 years of age and younger)?
2. If your student does not ride a bus, will a bus or van be able to turn around in your driveway?

Finally, please remember to contact us if you would decide that you no longer need this service.

March 13th, 2020 6:30 PM 

The Wisconsin Department of Health Services will be closing all Wisconsin schools beginning on Wednesday, March 18th starting at 5:00 pm. Therefore, Prairie Farm School District will be closed starting Thursday, March 19th with school tentatively resuming on Monday, April 6th. During the closure the district will continue to provide updates and information as it becomes available.

COVID-19 Resources: Stop the Spread of Germs