As stated by John Locke, “the improvement of understanding is for two ends first, our own increase of knowledge secondly, to enable us to deliver that knowledge to others.” Wisconsin Department of Instruction School Report Cards are a collection of data points that inform families about the performance of their local schools. This data source is one of many that our staff uses to help drive instruction. Here at Prairie Farm, our staff has done a tremendous job of collaborating within core and non-core areas to help our students achieve success at the highest level.
The data shows that our district continues to "exceed expectations" which is a true testament to the partnership between our students, staff, parents, and community as a whole. It is important to note the sentiments of State Superintendent, Tony Evers, who cautioned that the school and district report cards are not intended to measure everything that “people value in their schools, such as extra-curriculars, music, art, physical education, and career and technical education.” While standing behind the report card as an “important” way of communicating about critical pieces relating to student achievement, growth, and the achievement gap, Evers said, “I’m encouraging parents and community members to really take a look at all the things they value in the school” when making their own judgments about how a school is doing. “In addition,” he said, “the report card is really for one purpose and that is to identify what is good practice in school districts, and what schools are struggling, not so we can punish them: so that we can find ways to help them continue to improve.”
Another data tool that we use to help guide our instruction is the ACT Aspire assessment and our local FASTTM assessments. As mentioned above, the use of this data is beneficial for our staff to identify gaps and areas that are in need of improvement.
Wisconsin Department of Instruction School Report Cards
Prairie Farm School District WISEdash Public Portal
WISEdash Help Webpage
