PBIS at Home

Schools implementing PBIS create a set of expectations, share them with the students and then model them using class exercises. These expectations remain the same for students on the playground, in the classroom and on the bus. But, what about at home?

Using PBIS at home can help students maintain those expectations.

Family Involvement in School-wide PBIS

Schools implementing PBIS are typically eager to have participation from parents and families. So, get ready to get involved!

In the early stages of PBIS, schools will often send a letter discussing:

  • “The Rules” or a set of simple expectations, developed by the school, to communicate what is expected of all students in all areas of the school.
  • Rewards used to reinforce positive behavior.
  • Consequences of choosing to go against the rules.

As parents, this letter provides you with a great tool! You can review the letter with your child so both of you understand what is expected at school. Ask your child, “Do you understand these rules? Do you think you can follow these rules at school?” This is also an opportunity to talk about your expectations at home. Consider posting the expectations on your refrigerator door and use them for reference. Don’t forget, you must inspect what you expect!
Get Involved in Your School’s PBIS Initiative

  • Learn more about PBIS.
  • Join the PBIS Leadership Team at your child’s school.
  • Review the PBIS materials sent home with your child.
  • Learn “The Rules” that have been implemented at your child’s school and create consistency by enforcing them at home.
  • Encourage other parents and family members to take an active role in PBIS.
  • Share the PBIS successes from your family with your child’s PBIS leaders.

Expected Behavior at Home

Different homes may have different sets of expectations. Whatever you decide is right for your home, it is important to set the expectations and then follow through. To help you get started here are a few tips other families use:
Example #1 | Use positive wording

When misbehavior occurs offer positive alternatives instead of harsh criticism.

Negative Reaction Positive Alternative
Don’t run. Walk.
Stop yelling. Use your inside voice.
 No playing catch inside. Play catch out in the yard.

Example #2 | Be a teacher

If you have to say no, give a reason why.

Scenario: While shopping your child asks you to buy him a toy. He already has toys and you are short on time. You tell your child “No, we cannot buy that toy today. You already have a toy in the car to play with on the way home.”

If your child accepts your answer make sure to compliment him.
Example #3 | Reward positive behavior

Use positive reinforcement to teach children what actions are accepted and desired. Rewards don’t need to cost a thing. Try sitting down with your child to find out what rewards would work best.

  • Ask your child to make a list of the things they enjoy like going to the park or getting ice cream together. This will help you determine what they are motivated by.
  • Create a special "reward" basket of toys that you already own, but they only get to play with when they have shown what was expected. You can do this with stickers as well to earn the basket of toys.
  • Create a menu of rewards, such as special dinners, special desserts, computer time, game night, watching extra TV, extra book time, etc.
  • Create celebration dances or songs.
  • Create a system of recognition. If one of your expectations is that your child will do chores each week, create a board that lists each chore. When your child has completed a chore, use a sticker to mark it complete. At the end of the week, give a reward if all chores are complete. Consider choosing a reward from the list your child made of things they enjoy!